1. You can put 'style' and 'script' in svg, or you can subtract it separately.
2. Add '' when an error occurs in the xml parser when putting in svg.
3. Before Compression
4. After Compression
5. CSS
6. CSS + JS
Animation + Click event
1. Rectangle, Square, Circle, Ellipase
2. Line, Ployline(round, bevel), Polygon
3. Curve, textPath, tspan
1. Outline
2. Box-shadow
3. Re Use
1. Gradient mask
2. filter blur (linear-gradient)
3. filter Blur (three node)
1. How to position : position or translate
2. Animate : color, transform(scale, rotate), translate, ,from/to(position) stroke, path shape, Gradient
1. Icon
2. Ball
3. Box
4. cloud